(619)363-5003 [email protected]

Business owners throughout time have always had an overwhelming amount of responsibilities to deal with in order to run a successful business. Not only do business owners have to keep there clients satisfied and employees happy but they also have to manage the back end of the business such as finances and marketing. Marketing was almost always an after thought because marketing was very simple and based upon newspaper ads, local radio spots and putting your business in the local yellowpages. However in 2014 marketing has really evolved and is very dynamic, traditional marketing mediums such as the traditional yellowpages are no longer effective and only reach about 2% of consumers!

We speak with local business owners in San Diego every single day about our world, the world of internet marketing optimization and what we have found is that most business owners do not understand what digital marketing really entails and why dynamic marketing is so crucial for there business success.

We are the best seo company in San Diego because we go above and beyond the standard seo services provided by other seo agencies in San Diego, obviously we provide white hat seo services and provide our clients with great rankings but more then that we provide seo training classes for our clients so they are aware of the latest internet marketing trends, algorithm changes and updates. We want our clients to become expert internet marketers because if they understand how Search Engine Optimization works they will be able to dominate there market segment and will also have a great understanding of how time consuming white hat seo services can be and will have a greater appreciation for what we do for them day in and day out.

Not understanding that marketing has evolved from static mediums to dynamic platforms can be an absolutely fatal flaw for a business. Once you understand that digital marketing is the backbone to a great marketing campaign you need to understand how to find the right internet marketing company to partner with. Picking the right seo company is absolutely crucial because as any good seo company will attest to, search engine optimization takes time to see your results.

Setting Expectations

A successful partnership begins with setting the correct expectations and goals, too often we hear that our clients have been burned by other seo companies in the past and are very skeptical about internet marketing in general. Blue Fusion Digital only offers white hat seo services which means we only use seo techniques that follow and abide to the guidelines set by the major search engines. We have never had a website penalized with our white hat seo techniques which is something not many other internet marketing agencies can claim. However, proper SEO takes time and we want to be fully transparent about that with all of our clients. SEO is a long term commitment and any seo agency that tells you different is not being honest with you. SEO is not a verb, you don’t just “seo” a website. A great analogy we use is relating seo to fame. People don’t just famous themselves, they become famous for other things they have done such as performing music, acting, playing sports, etc. People need to understand seo works the same way, you perform great SEO by doing things the search engines want to see both on-site and off-site.

White Hat SEO

When you are deciding on a digital marketing agency you should confirm that they only practice white hat search engine optimization techniques. If they are honest with you and they are telling you they produce great results using website siloing, great quality content and only relevant link building that is a great start.

Stay away from any companies that say they have a “secret sauce”, they know someone who works at Google, they are heavily pushing the fact that they are supreme link builders yet cannot show you examples of the links they build or if they guarantee you a specific amount of links every month. True white hat link building is dependent on other websites and various web masters which makes guaranteeing a specific amount of links impossible. If you are speaking with an SEO company that guarantees you a specific number of links per month, it is safe to assume they are buying links from overseas and have a great risk of getting your website penalized by the Penguin algorithm or a manual action penalty.

Open Communication

Finding an SEO agency that has a great communication plan in place is absolutely crucial for your business. Communication enables both you and your seo company to work at the most efficient levels and ensures you are both working towards the same goals.

Blue Fusion Digital wants to understand your business so we can truly be viewed as a valuable resource to you and your industry and the only way we can learn is by communicating. Each of our clients is guaranteed a scheduled monthly call time with us and we always invite you to call us anytime with any questions or concerns.


We are not a run of the mill seo company in San Diego, we are a true digital marketing agency that perform seo, ppc, local search, reputation management and web design at very high levels. We are so very confident in our abilities to produce month in and month out that we do not make our clients sign any sort of long term commitment. We are happy to work with you month to month which ensures you get our best work month in and month out.


What kind of results does this company have? Can you find them online in the search results? Do they have case studies to show you? Do they practice what they preach? Find an internet marketing company that is good at internet marketing!

Thank you reading our tips on how to pick an SEO agency. Please feel free to contact us with any other questions!

4 + 14 =

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